Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Taurus Month by Month

You may be still recovering from a bit of over-eating during the Christmas period. You will soon shed those extra pounds once you get back to a more healthy diet. Plenty of exercise, whether at the gym or simply through walking will promote your sense of well-being. Taureans are especially good at sticking to routines. Make up a fitness regime and stick to it through the year.
This will seem like a slow month to you. Single  female Taureans may find themselves perfecting their beauty regimes and getting themselves ready to go out and meet new friends and possibly even new lovers. Male Taureans may find that trying a new aftershave will enhance their natural ability to attract a new mate of the opposite sex. For those in steady relationships, this will be a lovely time for cementing all that is good between you.
Work is very busy this month. There will be lots of over-time on offer if you are in a job and the chance to make extra money. If you do not have a job, now is an excellent time to be proactive and secure employment.It may well be a temporary contract at first but could lead to something more permanent.


This is a superbly romantic time for Taureans. Weddings which take place in this month will result in the longest happiest unions. Single Taureans could well meet their soul mates. Try to get out and about as much as possible. There are lots of opportunities to be sociable this month.


This is a relatively quiet month, despite the fact that many Taurean birthdays are celebrated in may. It is an ideal time to catch up with family members who may be living some distance away. Watch out for a reconnection with someone from the past who may be connected with your family.


Work gets busier. There don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Try not to overdo things and don’t take on too much or your health could suffer. Watch out for any signs of exhaustion. Drink plenty of water


This month is still busy work wise, but you should get excited. Your name could be mentioned in the workplace in a favourable light. Watch out for any job opportunities if you are out of work. Now is an excellent time to secure permanent employment.


Enjoy the summer break..if you can take a break. Now is an excellent time to recuperate some of the energy you have lost while working so hard earlier in the year. Don’t neglect a close friend. They mayhave been waiting for contact from you for a long time.


Super month for business plans to come to fruition and for promotions to happen. There’s certainly more money in the workplace. Make sure you are noticed by the right people at work. Enjoy your bonus!


A lovely month for lovers. This is a very tranquil month and full of romantic gestures from partners. A good time for single Taureans as well. Don’t be afraid to get out there and break the ice with someone at a party or social gathering.


You may be feeling a bit emotional, not your usual chirpy self this month. Try not to be pulled down by someone who is jealous of you.


There might be  a family argument over something really silly this month. Don’t be drawn into a futile situation. Rise above your differences and make amends ready for the festive season to begin.

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